TN Bombers 2029
TN Bombers 2029 is a competitive softball team out of Middle Tennessee. We are training players to be fierce competitors. We have high character and value expectations, and we require them to be good students.

Brains are back.
Being coached by two former players has its perks – they teach you to PLAY THE GAME!
We do not expect our players to wait for us to TELL them what to do, we COACH them to REACT and KNOW what to do in the moment!
We allow our players to MAKE MISTAKES and LEARN from them. Our pitchers and catchers call their own game, our players decide when to throw the ball. Our batters have the green light to bunt for a hit or take a base if they know they can be successful. If they fail, they learn. If they succeed, they’re more confident.
As the Bomber saying goes, we are not the same!
Student before athlete
Every time our athletes get a grading progress report, we require it to be sent to the head coach. All of our athletes must maintain at least a C average to play on our team.